super 8 wedding videos
Super 8 wedding videos.
Video Image Productions have for a number of years provided a super 8 wedding videos service.
All our super 8 videos are shot using the Canon 814 XL super 8 camera. Also the Nizo movie camera. These cameras offer very good low ability due to have very fast lens.
Super 8 wedding videos.
The runtime of super 8 cine film is only 4 minutes. Each 50ft reel has to be changed before shooting can commence.
HD Video.
Normally our clients ask for their super 8 films to also be shot on HD video. This as mentioned before is due to the short runtime of cine film.
For more Information please contact us on 01323 873513.
shooting 35mm slide film
Shooting 35mm slide film.
Over the last few years I have decided to begin shooting 35mm slide film Instead of using my Canon 5D or Canon M. I only shoot on film occasionally throughout the year. Most of the subject matter is landscape with some people shots mixed in.
Camera of choice.
Nikon film cameras have always held a special place in my heart. The build quality and control layout is just so right for me.The Nikon F100 is for me the best film camera made by Nikon until you get to the Nikon F5.
Nikon Lens.
The only lens that I now own for my Nikon F100 is a 1.4 50mm. all the shots posted below are taken with that lens. this little lens is superb lens with beautiful Bokeh and very fast aperture.
Shooting on 35mm slide film is a real pleasure. Just to hear the film being wound on by the motor on the Nikon is a joy. I have to admit that I am so used to shooting on my digital cameras I found myself nearly going to look at the back on the camera to see the results.
Being aware of how many shots you take.
The other big difference between shooting on 35mm slide film as opposed to digital is the limited number of shots available. However this does make you think more carefully about the shots you take. Couple this with a prime lens then you have a truly photographic tool.
Shooting 35mm slide film then Developing.
We don’t have the ability to develop 35mm slide film in house. The film is sent away and comes back in mounted frames for scanning.
35mm Slide scanning.
Video Image Production use a Optic Film 5000 DPI dedicated 35mm slide scanner. This allows me to obtain a very high detailed scan from each slide.
cassette tape to digital
Cassette tape to digital.
Video Image Productions are in the process of converting audio cassette tapes to digital mp3 format. The customer is based in Bexhill On Sea in Sussex.
Cassette to tape to digital process.
First steps.Before digitising cassette tapes to Digital. We fast forward and then rewind the cassette tape. This process helps to take any tension out of the tape. It also helps to reduce the chances of the cassette tape it sticking or snapping.
Cassette tape player.
We use Rotel tape players. These decks are some of the best sounding machines ever made. The tape heads are cleaned on a regular basis.
Digital audio formats.
Audio formats that we convert cassette tape to digital to are as follows.
AIFF Audio format for the Mac OSX platform.
MP3. for MP3 audio players and computer playback.
.WAV audio format forthe Windows PC platform.
All of these audio formats allow you to edit your cassette tape to digital transfer. On your home PC. Also with the appropriate software the user can burn their own CD’S or Music DVD’s.
Other audio formats we transfer.
Audio reel to reel tape.
Mini Disc.
DAT digital audio tape.
Audio Interconnects.
The RCA connection between the tape deck and the computer is very important. We use Chord Interconnect so to make sure that as much sound Information is kept. During the capture of the sound Into the computer.
Audio editing software.
Garage Band for the Mac. This a very good audio software package for the Mac and comes free with a Mac computer. For the Windows PC platform we recommend Sound Forge.
Audio cassette tape care.
Always keep your cassettes in a dry cool place. Try to store your tapes in an upright postion. This keeps tension on the spools and help stop the tape sagging.
Video Interviews and set piece to camera for Seaford councillor’s
Video Interviews. and set piece to camera.
The video Set piece to camera was filmed for our 2 local Independent councillors Sarah McStravick and Sylvia Dunn.These video Interviews where shot In order to be uploaded to there websites.
The Video Interviews Shoot.
The video Interview shoot, started at 1o’clock in the Afternoon. There where 4 different locations to shoot at. All of these locations where within Seaford. Showing the different wards. Filming was challenging in the Town centre of Seaford. This was due to traffic noise and making sure we did’nt get in the way of the general public.
Video camera crews used for the video Interviews.
The video Interviews where shot on a Sony Z1 using a Vinten Pro tripod. Sound was recorded using radio microphones for ease of movement for the councillors.
Post Production.
Post production of these video Interviews was just a case case of a few cuts and sound cleaning. The final video was encoded to HD Apple Pro res. This was then given to Fiona for uploading to the Councillors websites. The editing software used for this was Apple FCP X.
Picture above Sylvia Dunn.
Personal note. I do strongly believe that Sarah and Sylvia are dedicated Independent local councillors. They work very hard to fight for local Issues. I really do believe that they deserve our vote In May.
Picture above Sarah McStravick.
Please visit Sarah McStravick’s website for more Information.